Labour Day Weekend Picks

You can still use these.

The season starts after Labour Day does it? The Bombers can clinch a playoff spot with a win…

Ottawa @ Montreal: Friday, September 2nd

Pick: Montreal
I know they won last week but I’m not sure when I’ll be able to pick Ottawa to win a game.

Winnipeg @ Saskatchewan: Sunday, September 4th

Pick: Winnipeg
The Bombers won it last year and there’s no reason why they can’t do it again this year.

Toronto @ Hamilton: Monday, September 5th

Pick: Toronto
It’s beyond ridiculous to have the same two teams play each other this often in a season. Toronto will finally break their Labour Day curse this week.

Edmonton @ Calgary: Saturday, August 27th

Pick: Calgary
You can bet your house on it.

Last week: 3-1 Damn Redblacks…

Season: 27-9


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